How to Make Finance Podcast that Audiences Want to Hear

A podcast is a collection of episodes with a predetermined theme or topics, such as technology, start-ups, or anything else, that are digitally designed and formatted. It is a digital radio where most platforms where podcasts are offered are free.

Today, podcasts are one of the biggest platforms to earn money, especially in the Finance niche, as the conversations you do allow your listeners to know any tips, recommendations, motivations, inspirations, or aspirations you have to earn money or achieve financial freedom.

But this article is only possible with the guidance from Jessica Walrack, an experienced personal finance writer from PaydayBears. On this platform, potential clients can have a cash advance.

Here are five (5) tips to make a finance podcast that audiences want to hear.

Be True to Yourself and Your Audience

There are a lot of influencers, finance gurus, motivational speakers, artists, etc., that are so good at making a podcast. One thing they have in common is that they are true to themselves, know what they are talking about, and how they experience those things that make them the best version of themselves.

Thus, before making a finance podcast, it is a reminder to be true to yourself and your audience, allowing you to engage and speak with them without being bashed. Nothing can compare to being the raw you because you share the truth and your experiences. And it is what makes your audience love you.

Focus On the Topics That You Are Passionate About

Making finance podcasts are difficult at first because, like other niches, you have to know what topics of the podcast you are making, whether it is about how to earn money, or how to get back from being broke, how to start a small business, how to have an active network, and so on.

Knowing your topic(s) for your finance podcast will allow you to focus on what your listeners want to hear, but it doesn’t mean that you only need to focus on one or two topics. You can develop or add other areas connected to what you have shared. Thus, it is important to focus on the topics you are passionate about because it allows you to be natural, and the audience loves an authentic storyteller.

Schedule Your Podcast

Your audience should always know the time and platform your podcast is on, especially if you do it live. A publishing timetable is essential in this situation. Many artists, podcasting professionals, finance gurus, etc., choose a specific day to release each episode.

A schedule’s constancy helps your audience stay updated with your world while creating a new topic. And choosing a publishing schedule for your podcast, such as weekly, biweekly, or even monthly releases, will help you manage your time on editing, organizing, and directing your podcast.

Engage and Connect with Your Audience

Even though podcasting is a one-way medium, you can still have some audience engagement. And audience engagement is one of the ways to communicate with your followers and to know that you always care for them because they support your content.

Ask your audience open-ended questions and explain how their responses will be used in upcoming episodes. Then, you can send them to a designated link where you collect their comments, questions, etc., such as your podcast’s website’s comment section or all of your social media accounts.

Invite Guests to Your Podcast

Every industry has a lot of experts, famous influencers, and artists that enjoy guesting on other’s podcasts. Because they are seasoned podcast performers and are well-known to your audience, you can invite them to guest on your podcast, so you will also learn something from them.

And before you record the guesting, communicate with your guest on what topics you should talk about so that you may prepare thoughtful questions rather than attempting to think of intriguing things to say on the spot.


In conclusion, creating a finance podcast that resonates with audiences requires careful consideration and planning. Firstly, it is crucial to stay true to yourself and your audience, allowing for an authentic and genuine connection. By sharing your personal experiences and truths, you can cultivate a loyal following who appreciates your honesty. Secondly, focusing on topics that you are passionate about will help you deliver engaging and insightful content. It is important to strike a balance between addressing your listeners’ interests and expanding your podcast’s scope. Thirdly, establishing a consistent publishing schedule ensures that your audience can anticipate and access your episodes regularly, promoting loyalty and engagement. Moreover, actively engaging with your audience through open-ended questions and soliciting their feedback fosters a sense of community and demonstrates your commitment to their needs. Lastly, inviting industry experts and influencers as guests on your podcast not only brings fresh perspectives but also adds credibility and enhances the overall quality of your content. By following these guidelines, you can create a finance podcast that captivates audiences and keeps them coming back for more.